
Jelly Roll Winners!

One thing for sure I learned from all your comments;  we all love fabric!   Doesn’t matter if it comes in a roll or on a bolt we just love it!   Many of you consider it precious enough to save every scrap!  Some of you like Vicky, over at LA Quilter (one of my favorite blogs), even keep track of how much you have!    I’m in love with all of you!  Fabric hoarders are also fabric buyers at one time or another.  You are the reason this industry will continue to grow!

So Pink or Blue?

You get to decide!  If you see your name listed below you’ll be getting a cream jelly roll along with a pink or blue Lily & Will Jelly Roll!  You tell me when you email me at info@bunnyhilldesigns.com what color you want, send me your address and it will be on it’s way! Congratulations to:

  1. Anita who was comment #1.  She said ” I really don’t like wasting fabric, guess that is why my scrap bin is bursting full.  I just can’t bear to throw out scraps.  I do like to save time but I think I dislike wasting fabric.”  Anita, hurry on over and talk to Vicky!  I think she has a few bins in her garage!
  2. Nicole, comment # 202, who said on January 14th ” I like to make it a combo. I’ll buy jelly rolls of my favorite line, but then cut out my basic whites out of a bolt.” Well Nicole you are going to have the fun of working with a cream jelly roll!
  3. Lorraine, comment # 156, who said on January 13th “I like the pre cuts for the convenience, you can cut for a project and with a little twist and turn produce something totally different.” Lorraine  I’m with you Lorraine!  I love the precuts!
  4. Pauline, comment #23, who said on January 13th “I don’t like to waste fabric and I wish I had 36 hours in my day sEw I’m not sure which category I fall in….probably the ‘don’t like to waste fabric’ one….but that’s not to say I don’t buy pre-cuts….as I have bought many. I must say the 2 jelly rolls on the cake plate sure look sweet. Thanks for the chance to win a sweet jelly roll. Have a wonderful day Anne.”  Congratulations Pauline.  You win jelly rolls, but not the cake plate.

And I keep forgetting to mention that I still have one package of mini charms left from my last give away.  One of you either didn’t claim your prize or we didn’t send it.  Please let me know if you name is on the list and you didn’t get anything.  Help me solve this mystery!   Just scroll down to the bottom of this post and see if your name is there. If  it is and you didn’t get your charms, email me.

Congratulations to the winners!




  • Sue from Cyprus

    Congrats to the winners!! Scrolled over to the list with the names for the mini charms. My name wasn’t on there, but I wish it was LOL!
    Have a great weekend.

    Hugs, Sue from Cyprus x x x

  • Pauline

    OMG!!!I’m speechless, I can’t believe I’ve won. You are sEw right …we quilters all luv fabric. I am doing one long happy dance …I’m going with your favorite color….pink. Thank you again and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Pauline

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