Halloween & Fall,  Quilts

Who’s that Squirrel? It’s Henrietta Whiskers!

Let’s have some fun!  Join me in the Henrietta Whiskers Club!

Can you imagine a cute little squirrel with a winning personality?  I can, and I’ve put her in my newest applique quilt!  It’s Henrietta and she’s so excited to be here!  She’s the new Bunny Hill free block of the month for 2011!   I just hope all this attention doesn’t go to her head.   I can’t imagine that it will because she’s just so sweet.

It’s been a little over a year since my “Name That Squirrel” contest;  November 2009 to be exact.  Twila Dockter from South Dakota was the winner of the contest and the name she submitted was Henrietta Whiskers!   I fell in love with the name and it’s where I got the inspiration for this quilt!  Thank you Twila again and again!

Henrietta Whiskers is such a special little squirrel and she’s going to bring us a loads of fun!   The applique is easy, the piecing is simple and I’ve added a touch of embroidery for fun.  Nothing difficult I promise! If you haven’t appliqued with wool this is a good time to start.  It’s so easy and I think you’ll love it.  I’m here to help if you have questions.  You can ask them in the comment section and I’ll answer you.

Have fun choosing  fabrics.  I’ve given you a fabric guide to lead you on your way but remember it’s only a guide.  Email us (info@bunnyhilldeisng.com) if you are interested in using the same fabrics.  We’ll  direct you to where you can find them.  Pulling from your stash will also be easy;  just make sure you have a mix of light and dark backgrounds to set off your applique.

Did you notice I gave Henrietta a little pink scarf?  I just couldn’t help myself! You’ll see this pink in a few other places throughout the quilt.  Henrietta in pink.  Does it surprise you?

Floss sets and embellishments will be available next month.  I’ll let you know when we have them in stock.

You can join my Flickr group and show off your work as you go along!   You’ll meet some really nice people and get some great ideas.  Henrietta Whiskers on Flickr!

I hope you have fun with Henrietta!  She’s ready for a party!




  • Gari

    How wonderful! Do you know your BOMs are the only ones that I have completed two years in a row (Well Snowbound is not quite complete but I have all the blocks done). I love your designs and am really looking forward to doing this one, too. Thank you so much.

  • cocotte

    merci pour ce joli projet, j’adore votre blog
    je vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse année 2011 avec plein de jolies creations à venir
    bises de france de cocotte

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