Christmas & Winter

A Christmas Without Bears?

I spent the weekend decorating for Christmas like many of you.  My husband drug out all the boxes, stacked them in the center of the garage and asked “are you doing the bears this year?”  ” Think I’ll skip a year” I said.  “Maybe they’re getting a bit old, year after year.”

And then tonight I found these pictures…

“So you’re done now, right?  I can put all these boxes away?”  “Yes, all finished!”, I said.  But that was before I found the photos.

I don’t have the heart to tell him my little friends can’t sit outside in plastic bins.  I don’t know where I’ll put them now that all the decorations are up, but they have to come in and be part of our holiday tradition.   Call me sentimental.  He’s put away all the boxes so I think I’ll just link him to this blog post.  Who can resist these bears?

While I’m working on finding a place for my bears, I found another picture for you!  Would you like to win a few of these tiny little bundles?  Packages of 2  1/2″ x 2  1/2″ squares of Lily & Will II!

Leave me a comment and 12 of you are going to win 3 little bundles each of yellow and aqua Lily & Will II!  Oh the fun you can have with these little squares!  I’ll announce the 12 winners Friday December 3rd!

Have a great week everyone!




  • Dya

    Oh, those bears realy ‘deserve’ to see the Christmas tree again :-).
    Thank you for the give-away, I think the fabric is lovely, but haven’t seen it ‘in real live’ so far. I don’t know if there are Dutch shops selling it yet. So this chance to win is greatly appreciated.
    Dutch hugs.

  • Dawn

    Hi Anne, I would be “thrilled” to win a Lily & Will bundle. Can’t seem to find it in the shops here in the U.K.Happy Holidays

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