Quilt Market

To Market and Back!

Did you miss me?  I sure missed all of you!  I feel like I’ve been gone forever!  Quilt market was fun, fun, fun but I am sure glad to be back home. I was greeted by the tail waggers club the minute I walked in the door.  Both the President and the Vice President of the tail waggers club were EXCITED to see me!

When we arrived in Houston we were greeted with 90 degree weather and when we left we had 4 inches of rain and thunderstorms.  They do things extreme in Texas!

So on with the photos!  Here I am, the chief  Bunny, taking the famous Pioneer Woman bathroom shot at the Hilton.  It really works, you can stand in front of a mirror and take a photo!  Have you ever tried this?

Here’s what our booth looked like when we arrived at the convention center;  a blank space with a few poles and really ugly drapes. Stacks of boxes filled with embellishments were stacked in the aisles waiting  for us to begin our transformation.  Opps, wait!  We can’t find a box cutter.  You’d think after all the markets we’ve done that would be first on the list.  Maybe next time!  I had to use my tiny little manicure scissors to open the boxes.

We grab some ladders and started right in.  We went from what you see above, to what you see below in a day 1/2… We worked our hardest on the first day of set up so that we’d have it easier on the last day.  I was glad we did because Moda had a schoolhouse for all the designers on the second day of set up.   More on that later!

Then it was Sample Spree night and the next day was the opening of market!  Day 1 is my very favorite day.  I get to see so many of you and photo after photo is taken.

Here I am with Mita from Patchwork Cottage in Lawrenceville, GA

The famous John aka, Quilt Dad

Cindi from Stitch Studios and Natalie from Cinderberry Stitches!

Barri from Bareroots! Yes, she is as pretty as her stitchery!

And Jennifer my sweet friend and editor of American Patchwork & Quilting!

Humm, sure was a lot of smiling going on in my booth!  My friend Anne Bryson (she comes to all the markets with me), was taking all the pictures so I only got a few of her.

Go on over to her blog and tell her you want a new post!  It’s been over a year since her last one!

Anne & Lynette

And now it’s time for the next Snowbound block!  This month just flew by for me, how about you?  Here I am with block number eleven and it seems like I just gave you block number ten!    Were you able to keep up?  Are you ready for the holidays?

My poor husband is not even thinking about the holidays yet and little does he know I have plans for him.  I need the Christmas decorations out early so I can decorate with Snowbound for the next newsletter.  He hates it when I start a project like this so I think I’ll keep it quiet until a few days before.  I’m feeling a bit sorry for him, but Snowbound must go on!

While I was at market he painted our “green” bedroom, back to white (the color we started with).  Needless to say he was really happy about that.  He happened to be doing a load of laundry and put a full paint can on top of the washing machine, lid open.  The machine vibrated and the gallon of open paint fell off the washing machine.  Had I been here I could have warned him…maybe.   Don’t you think I’m smart waiting to tell him he has to help with decorations?

Have a great day everyone!  I’ll be back with more pictures!




  • Ronda

    Glad to see you made it back! I bet quilt market is so much fun! Once you get passed all the work. your new patterns are awesome as usual and your booth is soooooooo cute. I think your plan to wait on revealing the paint job is the correct plan of action! been there! the new snowbound block is awesome. I can never wait till the 5th of each month. Get some rest. Hope to see you post soon.

  • Jackie

    You know that one of the things I kept saying to myself while at market was, ” I haven’t seen Anne!” I can’t believe that I totally missed you. I really was looking too. I walked every aisle and can’t believe, I didn’t see your booth. Or maybe I did, and you weren’t in it when I walked by. I am so bummed, but glad you had a great time!

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