
Lily & Will have a sister & brother!

Sis is yellow and brother is aqua!  How’s that for the perfect siblings?  It’s been heaven the last few weeks having these fabrics to play with!  I am in love with these colors!

This is Lily & Will II in yummy yellow and aqua!  Yards and yards of this fabric have been made into quilts in a very short time.  There’s so much more I wanted to do, but we ran out of time.  Quilt Market is next week and everything has to be done now!

Three of the four quilts we had time to make are for baby, but this fabric is for any age!  I want a bed quilt from the aqua and maybe some new curtains in the studio from the yummy yellow stripe!  I know, I know you’re still waiting on the first Lily & Will to arrive in your local shop.

You won’t have to wait as long for this line.  It ships in March!  I’d love to try some red applique with this aqua.  Can’t you just see little red check applique flowers on the aqua damask?

Tomorrow I’ll be working on a special SECRET project for the Moda Schoolhouse at Quilt Market.  But on Sunday you’ll see some of this fabric tucked inside the gift basket when I pick the winner of my block of the month contest.  One of you will be getting some of this fabric before anyone else! I’ll FINALLY announce the winner on Sunday!!!!!

Hope you love this fabric as much as I do!  I’ll be showing you more and more things you can make with it soon!



  • Jean

    Oh, I love that yellow!!!!! Buttery, lemon, chiffon, yellow!!!!! I can’t wait till it hits the stores. I want the pink/brown for a Binkies on Broadway for a throw for my room and the yellow/brown for a The More the Merrier for the guest room. There are no babies around here but I don’t care. I love them!!! Then there is that B is for Baby!!! I may have to go up to a total stranger and ask if I can make a blanket for their baby!!! Don’t even get me going on Baby Bear and Snicker Doodles! When did you sneak all these patterns in on us?

    Pure genius, that’s all I can say!!!

    (reading one of the comments – was the green discontinued?)

  • Louise

    Just beautiful! Love them both. This gives me some incentive to finish some projects before March gets here and your new line hits our local shops. Have a grand time at market.

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