
Bitsy Says Thank You!

Bitsy says thank you to all of you who may have come to my blog sometime during the past few weeks to see if I’ve posted something new.  Thank you for for being so patient when you saw her photo over and over.  Thank you for understanding how busy her mom is, and how she just nevvvvvver lets her blog go this long unless she’s tethered to the computer.  And well, thank you for looking at Bitsy and not saying “oh it’s still that darn dog”.  If you did she forgives you.  She’s been suffering from attention deprivation too.

Sweet relief is on the way!  This week I can play just a bit and maybe you’ll even hear a few tweets!  I just  finished the last sample for market!  She jumped right off  The Night Before Christmas quilt.

So if you like this quilt…

You just might like my newest pincushion!

Bitty Mouse!

She’s ready to hold your pins, or forget the pincushion base and place her in your Christmas tree.  She’ll be so happy!  Why she could even peek out of a stocking or sit on your mantle.  And best of all?  She’s easy to make!  The pattern will be for sale on my web site Friday!

For all of you who entered my contest oh so long ago, if you guessed the name of my quilt I’ll be picking a winner this week!  Finally!  One of you is going to win a fun prize!  Yeahhhhh!! It’s about time don’t you think?

You’ll also get sneak peeks at new fabric and patterns.  All of this is happening because I’m in such a great mood!  I leave for market a week from Wednesday!

Hugs to each and every one of you!



  • Linda C

    What a terrific pin cushion! The first quilt I made was a mice quilt for my daughter to celebrate her imaginary childhood friend so The Night Before Christmas Quilt will be her next birthday gift. Thanks so much for your delightful patterns. Will you also be at festival?

  • Jackie Ro.

    How adorable are Bitty Mouse, The Night Before Christmas Quilt teaser, and your adored Bitsy (Bitsy’s image is still in my head from her birthday blog)?!
    And I am excited that you are so happy/excited about your upcoming market journey. Bless you & yours dear blogger/market lady :)

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