
Today is Bitsy’s Birthday!

I’m never too busy to say

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bitsy!  She’s 15 today!

Oh my goodness I love her so much!

She’s gray, deaf, and has a few more scars, but someday we’ll  be just like her.


We won’t have a button on our backs!

Happy Birthday Bitsy Button Sutton!

Go ahead stand in the grass and bark to have me carry you inside.  I don’t mind at all!

You’ve earned it!

XXX OOO  from your mom!


  • Tina

    My goodness — who would ever think that Bitsy is 15 years old?!! She looks absolutely fantastic….must be all of that wonderful love from her people mom and dad and those yummy, yummy doggy snacks. Here’s to another 15 Bitsy!!!!!

  • Marcia P.

    Thank you for being such a loving family for your furkids. I just love seeing that compasion and tenderness. I have three furkids and I love them to pieces. Lucky Bitsy; I wish all puppies and critters could have such loving homes.

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