
Today is Bitsy’s Birthday!

I’m never too busy to say

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bitsy!  She’s 15 today!

Oh my goodness I love her so much!

She’s gray, deaf, and has a few more scars, but someday we’ll  be just like her.


We won’t have a button on our backs!

Happy Birthday Bitsy Button Sutton!

Go ahead stand in the grass and bark to have me carry you inside.  I don’t mind at all!

You’ve earned it!

XXX OOO  from your mom!


  • Barb

    Happy Birthday, Miss Bitsy!!! What a total sweetheart. I hope she has the most wonderful birthday and many, many, many happy years ahead of her.

    My sweet doggie just turned 14 years old a couple of weeks ago. It’s hard to believe where all those years have gone – he’s my baby! We do love our fur babies don’t we? Hugs to all!

  • Ina

    Happy Birthday, Little Miss Bitsy! Hey, now’s the time to negotiate any changes to your contract…they’re all soft with sentimentality….more treats? carried more? softer bed cushin? You name, and it’s yours! ;0

  • Pauline

    Happy Birthday Miss Bitsy……..have a great day Bitsy Button…. hope Mom is having a great day too. Is she looking stressed?? Hope not…. Does she look like she needs a hug? She is a very busy girl right now….give a little bark and give her a hug. Hope you are enjoying a few extra goodies on your special day.

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