
Today is Bitsy’s Birthday!

I’m never too busy to say

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bitsy!  She’s 15 today!

Oh my goodness I love her so much!

She’s gray, deaf, and has a few more scars, but someday we’ll  be just like her.


We won’t have a button on our backs!

Happy Birthday Bitsy Button Sutton!

Go ahead stand in the grass and bark to have me carry you inside.  I don’t mind at all!

You’ve earned it!

XXX OOO  from your mom!


  • AnnieO

    Wow, that’s a senior doggie! Does she get discounts at the pet store, LOL? How lovely she’s been your beloved companion for such a long time. Happy Birthday, girl!

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Bless her little heart and cute buttoned bottom. Happy Birthday Bitsy. Like your mom says, it is perfectly okay to make her carry you…after all, if she were YOUR age (105 in doggie years) you would probably be pushing her around in a wheel chair, shouting at the top of your lungs so she could hear you barking. Anne, your a very good mom!!! Hugs to you and Bitsy both, plus a birthday scratch for Bitsy. Ummmm, about the ‘deaf’ thing though…my Friskie is deaf as a stump, but it’s the strangest thing…she can hear a single cheerio hit the kitchen floor from the other end of the house when she is sound asleep. So watch for those tale, tale signs that some selective hearing could possibly be involved here, LOL.

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