
Color is Everything, almost!

I’ve just spent three weeks pulling together my new fabric line for Spring market.  Along with designs, I’ve surrounded myself with colors in every shade, pulling and eliminating until I thought I might be going nuts.  I’ve been dreaming of colors, and noticing shades and tones in everything I look at.   It’s a process that takes a lot of time, but I finally end up with a few colors that make the cut and get presented to Moda.  I take a deep breath when it’s done.  Then I pray Moda likes my colors and designs.

I just shipped the line to Moda and it feels a bit like I sent my child off to school!  I’ve been tracking this box all morning.  It’s a miracle I even got a picture of it before it left here.  My husband was rushing me saying he had to get to UPS if I wanted it delivered next day, and I kept saying wait I have to get a photo! Maybe if I had more time you could of had a peek under the tissue paper.  Darn, now you have to wait until next May (Spring market) to see it, and next October to hold it in your hands!  Let’s blame this on Mr. Bunny Hill!

So this box, or what you can see of it, contains some colors I just love.  Colors that make my heart sing.  They make me want to repaint my house, redecorate a few rooms, buy new clothes,  design new quilts, and well you get the idea!  It just might have one of my favorite colors in it (hummm wonder what that could be) along with a few new ones that might surprise you!  I can’t wait to show you!

So many things we like are determined by color.  Pantone, the leader in color, is now offering Visa cards in colors!  If they offered one in pink I might have signed up.  How cool would that be to have a pink Visa card?  My friend Anne B would have wanted a burgundy one, and I think Brigette would have held out for a black and white check. What color Visa card would you want?

Brigette wanted me to buy this luggage for market but it’s in the wrong color.   I might have done it had it been in a pink and brown buffalo plaid like the one I have in Lily & Will.  We searched the internet but nothing like this in pink!

And then Tiffany tempted me this morning with this stunning gemstone.  Tiffany has such a way with color!  If anyone buys this Tiffany brooch can you let me borrow it for a day or two?

I love the box that I sent to Moda.  If anyone can pull off color it’s them. I’d put them right up there with Tiffany!   Hopefully we’ll be tempting you before too long!

Gotta get back to work but I wanted to let you know that “The Night Before Christmas” is being quilted right now.  When I get it back from my quilter I’ll give you some sneak peeks and announce the winner of the contest!

Back soon!



  • Sandra

    Hi Ann, I would love a purple visa card or any shade there of. Iam looking forward to seeing the christmas quilt. I am in throes of moving and big day will be Sept 29. I hope you have a wonderful trip to fall market and bring us back lots of beautiful ideas.
    God Bless from Sandra in Canada

  • Gloria J W

    Could there have been a little pink sample under that tissue. Maybe a different shade of pink, huh??? Now I guess we just have to wait. It’s like giving birth…only you have all the huffing and puffing!! Would love a red Visa card… or maybe a quilty design would be better than a straight red…too easy to copy…but some stitching designs…now that would be cool
    Hugs from Australia

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