Family & Friends

New Clue from Michaela

The hints keep coming and some of you might think I’m being tricky. I would never be tricky, even if I look a little like the lion in Michaela’s drawing right now.  I said in my last post “here’s a “little” hint”. Little was in quotes, a hint, and not one of you mentioned it!  Maybe you need some more help!   My grand-daughter Michaela has kindly offered to help with the word  “little”:

I’ve had 39 of you guess the theme of my new block of the month!  39! How about those odds for winning the prize!   I’m closing the contest on Friday so you have until 9PM Pacific time to guess the theme!  Come on my little stragglers.  You can do it!

I’ll be picking a winner sometime next week, announcing the theme and showing the prize, but you’ll have to wait a bit to see the quilt.  Just to entice you, here’s a sample of what’s included in the prize!  I picked these tins up at the Cath Kidston store in London!

Ready to go over the hints again?

1.  Christmas with some pieced blocks

2.  A little bit of snow

3.  A tiny bit of pink in the quilt, 5″ x 5″ or smaller.

4.  The fabric I’m using is” Le Petie Ecole” from Kaari, the French General! Did you notice the gray in that fabric?

5.  There’s a critter in the quilt that I like to draw almost as much   as a bunny!

6.  There’s a house in the quilt, and it’s set on snow.

7.  Last hint and this is a BIG one!  It’s an American theme with  the critter and a few reindeer.

For a bit more fun, I’ll be announcing the winner of the “I Love my Pet Contest” in my newsletter on Saturday!  If you see your name you’ll be getting that fabulous gift basket in the mail!  I had 566 of you send in a over 800 pictures and one of you is going to win!  To see all the pictures, here’s  the link to Flickr!

You’ll also be getting block number nine of Snowbound on Saturday!  I can’t wait to show you!  Just  look at my Snowbound group on Flickr!  These are such cute blocks and you can post your blocks too.  I look at them all!

Back soon!



  • Robin M

    Well I think I finally get it.. Twas the night before christmas…and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Can’t wait to see!!!

  • annie

    EEK…..tis a mouse prancing around the Christmas quilt???? Can’t wait to see your quilt. Nothing cuter than a mouse ( when it is appliqued) and not really hiding in our cupboards ( YIKES)!!!!

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