Family & Friends

Paris Mode

I’m in the Paris mode judging from the guesses coming in for my new Block of the Month!  You have me wishing for a pink, French Christmas quilt! Ahh, how many of you would really buy a pink Christmas quilt?  Sale of one pattern to Bunny Hill but the rest of you?   Well you saw the fabric I’m using in my last post and I’m in more of a universal mode, but I’m always dreaming of Paris…  

I loved Paris and  I would return in a minutes’ notice just for a chance to browse the flea markets for treasures!  Anyone ready for a Paris treasure hunt?  I actually looked up costs online today for next year.  I’m hooked don’t you think?

 I paid 10 Euros for this card of vintage Mother of Pearl buttons. It was a bargain.   I would have paid more, I loved them so much.  I’m not good at bargaining.  I hate it, but I made myself ask if they would take less in my most French sounding English.  At the same vendor I paid 25 Euros for one button. The bargaining didn’t work at all.  I really wanted that button from 1880 and so I paid the money.   Can’t show it to you now because I’ll be using it for something in the spring.  You’ll appreciate it more when you see it. 

As for that  5″ square of pink in my block of the month?   Try looking at some of my other block of the months to see how I’ve used “pink”!  Do you think I’ve used the entire square or do you think maybe I cut it up?

Guess what?  We have a few correct guesses in the contest already!  If you guess right you’ll get an email confirming that you’ve been entered in the contest.  

Quilt shops can email me directly for the “La Petite Ecole” fabric sku’s I’ve used.

One more question for today.  How many of you have Facebook pages and why?  I’ve been visiting Facebook and I’m not sure I “get it”.   Do you actually  use Facebook?   Do you use it every day? 

Back soon!



  • Liz

    I have a face book page but do not use it. I don’t really get it and it’s confusing…email is easier. Maybe I need more friends:) I have to guess again on your BOM quilt…..could it be…………… vintage christmas ornaments? But, they would have more pink and and some other colors too? The fabric is beautiful and I can’t wait to see what it is!! Maybe it’s children and a one room schoolhouse theme? I think I need more clues. hugs.

  • Cynthia

    Hi Anne,

    Okay, I’ll try another guess.

    How about the Night Before Christmas American style. Cookies in front of the fireplace on a table with Santa about to come down the chimney.

    If not that, then how about 12 items that mean Christmas such as cookies, a drum, a toy, an ornament, etc. on the quilt.


  • Sandra

    I don’t get face book either and I did join when some friends encouraged me to but I found it rather scary with people wanting to be my friend and I didn’t know who they are. I enjoy the blogs I go to and I find that I spend enough time on them without facebook to. I don’t know how people find time to quilt when they are on facebook or twitter and I am rather private. Each to their own.

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