Other Nice Things

I Led You Astray!

Remember the days before the dog photos?  They days when I was giving you hints about my newest block of the month?   If you guess the theme of the Christmas block of the month I’m working on,  you’ll be entered into a  drawing for a nice prize.  It  might even include some Cath Kidston  treats I picked up in Europe!

I led you astray with the pink featherweight post.  It wasn’t on purpose!  Really!  When I read your comments I had to laugh.   Someone started talking about a pink Christmas and the next thing I knew you were all going down that path!  ( Can’t imagine why you think I’d put pink in one of my quilts!)  Well I’m here to give you another clue.  There will be some pink in this quilt but it’s smaller than a 5″ x 5” square!

Clues for the week (each week I’ll add another clue):

1.  Christmas with some pieced blocks

2.  A little bit of snow.  White snow NOT pink snow.

3.  A tiny bit of pink in the quilt, 5″ x 5″ or smaller.  (First I said 2″ x 2″, but it’s really 5″ x 5″)

4.  The fabric I’m using is” Le Petie Ecole” from Kaari, the French General!  Just look at this fabric and fall in love!  It’s perfect for my quilt, but be careful! Don’t get led down the wrong path again!


I’ve combined “La Petite Ecole” with a  Bella bundle  of neutrals from Moda.  These are perfect for backgrounds and  the “other” things you might find in the quilt like that little bit of snow!

Just look at how they go with Kaari’s fabric!  Bella on the right, and French General on the left.

 I’ve printed out two comments for the drawing, but  I had to really stretch just to get those.   Put your thinking caps on and come up with a Christmas theme!  I’ll make it worth your while if you win, but you can’t even enter if you don’t guess the theme!

And finally for a Bitsy and hubby update:

Bitsy is feeling good.  She loves her morning walk.  First I push her in the stroller, then she gets out and walks several blocks with Chelsea. When we get home she stands in the front yard and won’t come in unless I carry her.  That dog would stand outside till winter comes, she’s that stubborn.  I raised two boys but I throw my hands up with my old dog.  So I carry her in the house and put her down on her bed.  She loves it.

Hubby lost his fingernail on his thumb and he still can’t move it very well.  He needs to go back to the Dr. just to get it checked.  If he doesn’t make an appointment soon, I’m going to give all of you his email so you can “nag” him too. Why is it that when a wife gives advice to a husband it’s called “nagging”?

Back soon!



  • Kathy

    Anne – first off thank you for all you do, and all the lovely pet pictures! Made me very sad, as I lost my old dog last year, but had such a good time looking at everyone else’s pet! I just couldn’t bring myself to send a photo in…
    Because Ecole is school in French (if I remember it well enough from more years ago than I’ll ‘fess to, the theme of Christmas vacation would be very cute! And could end back at school. That little pink could be all sorts of things on vacation!
    Kathy in GA

  • Melody

    What about Christmas in an old fashioned schoolroom. There could be rows a little desks, a blackboard with the alphabet, little milk pails of Christmas treats, the Christmas tree with presents for the children below, the class pet – a bunny of course , piles of books, sheet music and tiny musical instruments, children’s drawings on the wall, a snowman visible through the window and so much more.
    PS I love French General fabrics + a touch of pink.

  • Vicky

    I’m stuck on that pink pig! ROFLOL

    If it’s a French alphabet with animals, couchon is French for pig. Man, I can work that pig in anywhere, can’t I?

    Oh, oh, “This Little Piggy went to Market”!

    Okay, I promise no more pig guesses… oink!

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