Pets,  Photography

Thank you one and all!

The Bunny Hill “I Love My Pet Contest” is officially closed!

I’ll announce the winner on September 5th!

This is my last pet post!  Over 800 photographs have been submitted!   I hope you’ve  enjoyed the past week.  I’ve looked at so many pictures I just can’t believe it!   I’ve read your emails, laughed and cried with you, and never in a million years did I think I’d end up with this many photos!

I tried to post as many pictures as I could and of course I couldn’t post them all.    Even if your photo wasn’t posted, you’re still entered in my contest.  What a group they make when viewed all at once.  You can see all of the photos here on Flickr!  If you don’t see your photo, something was wrong with the file or it couldn’t be copied.

It’s back to the quilting life now.  Market is coming in October and I have so much to do!  I’ll be keeping you updated with the everyday happenings at Bunny Hill.  Thank you for sending in your photos.  One of you is going to win this basket!  I’ll announce the winner in my Newsletter on September 5th.

I hope you enjoy the last parade of pets!  Be sure and visit flickr to see them all!

It’s time for me to get back to quilting!  Right Gunnar?

Time to go says Sami!

Bye Ya’ll!

A hug to all the pets!



  • Anne Marieke

    Thanks for doing this, Anne! It was so much fun to see all the cute pets.

    I’ve always been surprised to see at least one pet on nearly every stitcher’s and/or quilter’s blog, but now I know how many there are out there! :o)

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, Thanks so much for all your work posting these wonderful pet photos. I has been so much fun to hop over here every day and see the beautiful and adorable babies. I’m headed over to look at all of them together now. Oh, by the way Anne somehow I ended up on an older post from April about the “Seasons” variegated embroidery threads. I thought I was on a current post (senior moment, ugh) so I left a comment telling you these would be a ‘must have’ for me when they are available. In the post I tell you about a project I’m working on now using pastel and variegated threads and ‘Seasons’ are perfect. So, is the “Seasons” collection available now? (Boy is my face red, LOLOL) Hugs and I’ll talk to you in a few weeks.

  • Mary Flynn

    I for one have thoroughly enjoyed all the pet photos. Obviously many quilters are pet lovers too! I wasn’t able to submit a photo as we can’t have pets due to asthma and allergies etc. Doesn’t mean I don’t love them any less…enjoyed these past post!!

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