Pets,  Photography

Pets, Pets, Pets!

Oh my gosh these pets are so adorable!  One thing I know for sure, we all LOVE our pets!  It’s no wonder Martha went with PetSmart!  Ready for more pictures?  Here they come!





I’ll be back with more photos.  Hope your Saturday is filled with pets!




  • Linda P.

    Oh my goodness!! What a great idea to get these photos!!! I am lovin’ all of them!! I’ve said awwwwwwwwww – all morning!! They can all come to my house!!

  • Diane

    Every, single one of these photos makes me smile! I have a 365 Days a Year Cat Calendar and a 365 Days a Year Dog Calendar which I view first thing every morning. You’d think I’d see enough of other people’s pets but after seeing your post I know I can never get enough. MORE!!

  • C. C.

    Hi Anne!

    Thank you for stopping by to see your “Baltimore Bunnies.” I finished doing your “Vintage Christmas” a few months back, handquilted then lots of embellishments. I have really enjoyed your patterns.

    C. C.

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