Christmas & Winter,  Quilts

Snowbound Block Eight!

Block eight is here!   Another month has gone by and now Mr. August is arriving in a wagon.  As you can see my “Snowbound” is quilted and ready for Christmas!  Yours will be too in no time at all! I hope you’ve been working on your Irish Chain blocks and assembling your quilt by rows so you can see it coming together!

Tell me where the year has gone?  Did you notice it flying by?  Only four more snowbound blocks left, can you believe it? 

 We’ll be decorating for Christmas before you know it!

If you received my newsletter this morning you know it’s “I Love My Pet” month at Bunny Hill!  Email or send me a picture of your pet and you’ll be entered in the drawing to win this basket full of goodies!  Email your photos to .  


 Here at Bunny Hill we are surrounded by pets as most of you know! 

Bitsy is back to normal, her stitches are healing fine, and she even wants to play.  But she still won’t walk.  It’s not that she can’t walk, she can walk just fine, she’s just refusing to.

Can you believe it?  Just look at this face!

Or this one with her ears up. 

Can this be the face of a spoiled smart dog? 

She has a stub of a tail that she wags at just the right moment.  She makes sure you’re looking first.

Chelsea’s getting worried that you might forget how “cute” she is with all this attention going to Bitsy.  She wanted a few of her pictures in the blog post

And Mooch?  She’s not worried a bit.  After all, she’s a cat!

  So love your pet and show me how cute they are!  You might see them on my blog!  How fun is that?


And now for the next hint you’ve been waiting for…


Hints to help you guess my Fall Market Block of the month theme!

1.   Christmas with some pieced blocks

2.  A little bit of snow.  White snow NOT pink snow.

Have a great day everyone!  

Back soon,




  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, Bitsy, Chelsea and Mooch are just adorable. That picture of Chelsea curled up in her bed asleep…oh that tugs at my heart strings, too cute. Then there’s Mooch…I love cats so much. Hubby is allergic so we don’t have any but they are so easy going and content being rulers of their domain. I miss having cats around.
    As for Bitsy, well, I know that first look well, our Sadie (who I told you about in a long (sorry) email, has that look down perfect and she uses it to her very best advantage, LOL. She also has just a little stump, about 1″ tail that she too waits till she know you’ll see it and then just does a little ‘tick tock’ thing with it. Do you think perhaps she and Bitsy have taken the same “Techniques for getting what you want from your Humans” class?
    I’m so glad Bitsy is feeling better, even though she still wants to be carried around. Was her pain and initial refusal to walk connected to the problems she had with her bottom?
    Okay, now another guess on the theme of your quilt. A little snow huh? That makes me think of window shopping in the snow at Christmas time, before the age of Malls and indoor shopping. Window shopping in Tiny Town, oh, that would be so fun! Stopping to make ‘Snow Angels’ along the way! So many possibilities but whatever it is, I know it is going to be wonderful.

  • Joan Tomanek

    The fall market BOM may be the quilters 12 days of Christmas. The other blocks are secret now but the 6th day will be… 6 pieced blocks.

  • Nancy B from Many LA

    I emailed you pics of my fur babies. Our pets sure know how to train us, don’t they? (And no, we don’t train them, they train us!)

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