Family & Friends,  Pets

Pretty Things

My studio is filled with pretty things today.  I wish I could show you what’s on the work table under this chandelier.  I’ve been working on it for awhile and everyday I get closer to completion.  Soon I’ll be giving you hints on what it is.  If you guess it right you’ll be entered into a drawing for a really nice prize!  Remember, you’ve had one hint already.  It’s Christmas!

The light from the chandelier is so pretty!  It’s amazing how it lights up the studio!  To install the chandelier we had to remove the ceiling fan, so now I have two of these fans in the studio!

In pink of course.  The fans help cool the room while I’m working under the chandelier.   Oh what we do in the name of pretty!

 This morning, before I started working, I took Bitsy for a ride in this pretty pink stroller!

There’s a reason for the stroller.

She arrived home from the vet with clean teeth and stitches in her rear end.  She had to have a few little tumors removed.  She’s having one of those awful weeks.

I think she deserves her own post and she does too!  I’ll be back to tell you all about Bitsy.

Hubby’s finger is better.  They added another week of antibiotics and it seems to be working.  There’s not a germ left in him.  Bitsy’s on antibiotics now too.  Chelsea, Mooch and I are left with all the germs.  Yuck!




  • Donna Liljegren

    Hi Anne:
    Kes can relate to Bitsy. She had “bum” surgery last fall to have cysts removed. Isn’t it amazing what vets can do to help our pets? I hope Bitsy is feeling better, and Kes asked me to send along a snuffle for her as she heals.

    I love the chandy. It’s perfect for your studio, as are those pink fans. I can’t wait to see the Christmas quilt you’re working on! I’m sure it will be fabulous.

    I’ll visit again soon!

  • Sarah B.

    Is it snowbound all complete? Or maybe a “Tiny Town Christmas” kind of like Who-ville all pinked out! I couldn’t resist since Who-ville is what I think of when I think about Christmas and I have Tiny Town on the brain since your interview. I have a question for you, Anne, where can I send photos of my completed “A Tisket, A Tasket”? I finished it in time to give it as a gift to my Mom last Christmas but I just recently got photos of it. I did it in Redwork to display my Mom button collection…

  • Ina

    I love the pink fan! The style is so retro! Hey Bitsy, I would love to be pushed around the neighborhood in a pink polka dotted stroller! Enjoy the ride, Bitsy! ;0

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