
Look what I found!

Look what I found!  It’s a blog that links to me AND I’ll be darned if she isn’t having a giveaway of Snowbound blocks!  Not just Snowbound blocks, but Snowbound blocks in redwork!  Leave a comment on her blog and you could win these blocks! Hurry, she’s picking a winner tomorrow morning!  Think what you can do with these blocks!  She doesn’t know I’m posting this, we’ve never met, but it’s such a great giveaway!  It makes this a two post day for me!   Don’t ever say I don’t tell you about things….

Little Pieces of My Life

Thanks Karen for the wonderful giveaway and congratulations on your 150th post!!! 




  • Darlene

    Awesome giveaway – someone is going to be very, very lucky!

    I did a similar giveaway on my blog in January when you posted your first Snowbound block. Two winners were chosen so every month, not long after you post a new block, I stitch one in red and one in variegated blue. It’s been fun to stitch these and send them across the country.

  • Barb

    How on earth did you find her? And how generous to give away her hard work – it looks like it is fabulous!! I guess I better go enter her giveaway!!

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