
Stumbling Blocks

Life has a way of throwing in a few stumbling blocks every now and then just to see if we can get past them.  This past week has been so chaotic I’m here to report I’m not doing very well.  I’m falling over blocks!

My old dog, Bitsy hurt her back leg.   She was walking outside and suddenly jumped in pain.  She’s been to the vet, had x-rays, medication and they think she pulled something.  Nothing shows on the x-ray, but she still won’t walk.

Instead, she barks for me to carry her everywhere.  Bark, I want to go outside,  I’m thirsty, I’d like a treat, can you fix me dinner? She seems perfectly happy, and even wants to play with her toys.  If someone comes to the door that she really wants to see she’ll get up and walk, but otherwise I carry her everywhere and she watches my every move.  I can’t believe she could learn that I will carry her if she barks. Have any of you ever heard of something like this?  Now I’m worried there might be something else wrong. 

Then there’s my husband the absolute animal lover.  Our neighbors know how he is, so they tell him if they see any lost or injured animals.  He’s heard about a little cat in the neighborhood, dragging it’s back legs and coming around houses looking for food.  He’s been watching for it.  Yesterday he saw it!

1. The cat showed up in our front yard.

2.  My husband grabbed it and ran for a carrier.

3.  The cat was biting him all the time.

4.  We spent the AM in the emergency room.

5.  Animal Control took the cat.  Has to be tested for rabies, plus it’s back legs are severely injured.

6.  Today hubby went back to the Dr. because of red streaks going up his arm.

7.  He now goes to Dr. everyday for 4 days for a antibiotic shot.  Guess where? 

I’m cooking, cleaning, doing chores I never even knew existed, carrying Bitsy, and anything else you can think of .  I’m trying to pick up those stumbling blocks as I go along, but more keep showing up!  Ever have one of those weeks?  Not much is getting done in the Bunny Hill studio.   Life got in the way!

I’ll keep you posted on my patient’s progress. 


Nurse Sutton


  • Sandy

    Dear Nurse Anne. I know just how you feel. Yes life does have a way of keeping us in line. I have a blind Blue Healer,and my dog Lucy gave birth to puppies July 1st. I can tell she’s so drained from having the puppies. I won’t let her have any more, course it was a surprise that she had them anyway. So now I have pups to sell. I do hope that things will get better for all of us.
    Oh and are you still working on your Crocheting? I know how it is if you haven’t, life does have stumbling blocks.
    Sandy from
    Love ya to stitches

  • Christine

    Nurse Anne, your hands are full!
    Bitsy’s injury sounds like what happened to our dog last year. It took a week or two to heal and she is as good as new! Hang in there! I’ll be praying for you, your husband and Bitsy.

  • Julia

    Oh Anne,
    my fingers are crossed that your sweet little Bitsy is getting well soon (she is one clever dog, though! – had to smile while reading about her way to command you).
    I hope your husband will recover soon, too! I’m glad you didn’t underestimate his injury ~ but you must be so proud of him to have rescued the poor cat…!
    Sending hugs & the hopes that this week will be much better,

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