
Welcome Elke!

Please welcome Elke to our family!  

Welcome Elke!
Elke & Doug

Thank you Elke for saying “yes” to my son.  You are a ray of sunshine in his life, and we are so blessed to have you as a part of our family! You make us smile and laugh!  Our lives are better because of you!

The wedding was a fairy tale wedding that took place in Konstanz, Germany.  The day was perfect from start to finish!

And thank you Switzerland and Germany for your hospitality and breathtakingly beautiful country! I could have stayed for days and days. 

Our charming hotel was across the border in Switzerland!  Only about 1/4 of a mile from the German border, but I can say I’ve been to Switzerland! 


The wedding dinner was at the hotel, right on the Rhine River! 

  After dinner a beautiful white swan graced us with a visit.  Who could ask for more!


Paris and England are my next stop!  I’ve taken so many pictures, I’ll have to group them into collages or these posts could go on forever.

I’ve survived the jet lag with the help of Melatonin.   I recommend it if you travel in different time zones. One pill at bed time really helps me sleep!  Just be sure to buy it here in the USA, because in some countries (such as Germany) it’s prescription only. 

To think that in just ten days I visited four countries!  I feel like such the traveler, and my first visit to Europe has left me longing for more!

I have a feeling you’ll be seeing a bit of the European influence in my designs.  There was eye candy everywhere!  Scolls, flowers, charming houses, architecture and I took pictures of hundreds of flowers just in case.  Fleur de Lapins or is it Jardin Lapins? I found a few bunnies so to speak…

Back soon!




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