Quilt Market

Crochet Strips

I brought my crochet I started awhile ago to Minneapolis and finished the first strip on the airplane!   By now, I’m on my way back from Germany and I brought it along again.  After 11 hours on a plane both coming and going,  I should have a bit more finished.  I’m not crazy about how it’s looking, but it keeps me occupied and the actual process of crocheting is so much fun!

If you remember, I made a mistake in the second color.  So many of you were kind enough to help me through it so I ripped out the rows, went back and corrected it.  I’m not sure if I’m following the directions correctly.  I feel like such a newbie at this but I’m continuing on!   Mooch seems to like laying on the little strip I finished, so maybe that’s a good sign!

I’m using Rowan cotton yarn for my crochet and it’s delightful.  I found out at market that Amy Butler has a new line of her own yarn with Rowan!  Just look at these colors!

And look at this display she had in her booth!

Color after beautiful color!

What colors would you pick?   I’d actually be happy with almost any of them.

I should be home soon.  As soon as I recover from the jet lag I’ll be back with more posts!


  • Helen

    Thank you for all the lovely wedding pics and other pics. I lived in Eng. for 2 years andloved in. Ex in USAF, and travels qute a bite thru Engl., Scotland and Wales. I would love to go back. You site is sew refreshing.


  • Sandy

    Hey Anne, Just thought I would comment on your crocheted strips your crocheting. Love the pink! Great job! If you have time go and check out my crocheted colored strip throw I made years ago. Makes me want to make another one. It traveled well when I was making it. Love the photos of Germany! I’ve always wanted to go to Germany.
    Love ya to stitches…..

  • rita vermeersch

    First of all, I would like to thank you for the free pattern 2010, and for sharing your art with your lovely designs, that makes many people happy.Felicitations for your first fabric designs with moda, I already ordered the whole collection for my shop, and hope to recieve them soon, so I can start with de babyquilts. I’m sure it is gonna bee a succes.
    Many regards from the Canary Islands

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