
Behind the Scenes

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind a photo shoot?  You see the finished pictures, but there are probably hundreds that you don’t get to see.  Just to come up with a few photos that end up on the cover of our patterns, web site or in our ads, can take 1 to 2 days of shooting and well over 500 photographs.  Add a baby to the picture and you can imagine what might happen!

Meet Bren, our Bunny Hill Baby model.  She is too adorable for words with a personality that just makes you smile!  I fell in love with this little girl and her 5 week old brother!  On photo shoot day, her mom brought her over in her pajamas.  We had several outfits ready, but she was so cute in those pj’s that I decided to just put her in the crib and I told Greg to shoot away!   Here she is with her little brother, just 5 weeks old!  Such a beautiful baby!  He’s on the cover of our “Cuddle Cloth” pattern along with Brigette’s daughter Kendall.

The nursery was set up in my kitchen!  We moved the table and chairs out and moved the crib, drapes, rug in!    Here’s the pre-photo to prove it.  See the pink coffee maker?  It’s the kitchen! Why there’s even some coffee in the coffee maker!

I had a special dress made in my fabric for Bren to wear.  The dress was in a stack of other dresses, and by mistake we put her in the size 4 instead of the size 2…It was falling off her shoulders and way too long, not that Bren cared.  She was fascinated by the tea cup I gave her to hold!

And of course Mooch had to get in the photo!

When we were trying to stage the “Cuddle Cloth” pattern we went through several different arrangements.  Here’s one of the rejects that is just so sweet!

So take a look at our web site and those beautiful photos you see on the patterns.   Behind the scenes at Bunny Hill is always so much fun!



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