
Giving away some fabric!

I’m giving away some fabric today!  I tired to get the “girls” to co-operate with the drawing!  First Mooch came up…

Then Chelsea & Bitsy…

It was so early they just wanted to go back to bed.  Not early risers at all but aren’t they cute?  So off I went to and generated some numbers!  Here we go are you ready?

#318,  Laura T!  Laura the blue is coming your way for those two new grand-babies!  Both boys!!!

#21 Donna L in Florida who wants the pink!  Donna, you’ll be seeing lots of pink very soon!

#13 Sherri, who said the green was her favorite!  Sherri, that yummy green is yours!

For those of you who think I cut up all the comments, I really didn’t.  Gone are those days!  The pictures of the “girls” were taken before I found out about  Thank you for making my life so much simpler!  If you’re one of the lucky winners just email me your address and your fabric will be on it’s way!

I’ll be back tomorrow with block number 6 of Snowbound!  Have a great day everyone!




  • Laura Tawney

    Oh WOW! I just logged on and saw my name! Am I ever so excited!!! Thanks so much it will be so much fun sewing something special with the blue collection. Congrats to Donna and Sherri for their bundles of joy. Looking forward to tomorrow for block number 6:)
    Laura T

  • Pauline

    Congratulations to Laura T, Donna L, and Sherri. They are lucky ladies. Looking forward to Snowbound tomorrow. On the 5th of every month I feel as if I am a winner. Thank you. Hugs from Michigan.

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