Family & Friends,  Quilt Market

Feeding the Fetish

Thank you triple times over for all the shoe suggestions.  I’ve tried almost all of them!   The other day when UPS came to the door our driver had so many shoes my husband had to sign for them.  Yep, he was really happy about signing for shoes.  Keeps saying something about how he should have looked at my feet before he married me.  He thinks he’s funny. Don’t laugh at him, it just makes him worse.

Almost everything has gone back, but I did keep these funky looking pair of Clarks.   FUNKY but so comfortable.  Would have preferred something a bit more feminine…

I actually thought about keeping this pair of Soft Walk shoes with the bit of a strange heel.  They make me stand up straight.  Only shoe that’s ever done that and I’m convinced it makes me look thinner.  Now had they made me look younger I would have kept them!

My friend Nancy wears the same size I do, and she bought two pairs from me that I was going to send back.  She’s going to market with me and wearing my her new shoes. I’m jealous cause I love the style (soft walk clogs), but my feet say no.

My friend Anne, who is also going to market with me suggested we go to the great mall when we get into town and find a Walking Company or something.  Just think I’ll be surrounded with shoes.  Heaven.

So until I get to Minneapolis and the Great Mall here’s a sampling of the comings and goings at Bunny Hill…

I love, love, love these Mephisto’s  but the heel strap is patent leather and not so comfortable.

I sent these Merrell’s back because I thought they looked funky.  Might have been a mistake.  They were comfotable.

If you live in Minneapolis and you’re at the Great Mall look for me… I’ll be the one wearing the Clarks.  Unless more shoes arrive tomorrow.  I can’t remember what I’ve ordered!

Back tomorrow if I have time  for some show and tell!  If not I’ll try and post from Market!




  • cheryl in kansas

    oh my…..I also have a shoe fetish….ordered a couple of pair recently thinking my husband would be out of town when they arrived….NOPE, not so lucky! Lord knows I do not need another pair of shoes BUT when you love a style….get them in as many colors as you can. And that is my philosophy and I’m sticking to it! Being a child of the sixties I am loading up on cute flats right now. Lucky you…you can put on your new shoes and go shopping for just the right pair for Market….perfect!

    Have a great time!

  • Kelly Ann

    I have shoe/foot issues…I go and have my foot measured and all that good stuff, get some new shoes…wear them for a while then head back to my closet for what has got to be the ugliest shoes in the world…Crocs…I’m gonna try and do big girl shoes for market but don’t be surprised if I show up in your both with my Crocs on…

  • Kay

    I personally, love the Merrel’s. I am such a clog fan, that they don’t look funky to me at all. I may be out of style, but they go with everything. Whichever ones make your feet feel the best though, that is what you should go for. How exciting this event will be!!!!!!!

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