Other Nice Things

SewCalGal Awards

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Darlene over at SewCalGal, for hosting the first annual Golden Quilter Awards.  To all of you who voted for me, thank you, thank you!  I’m totally blushing when I say this, because it seems I won the SewCalGal award for best designer!  With so many great designers who were nominated I am truly humbled by this award.

And a great big hug and thank you to Bonnie, my blog reader who nominated me!  You are the best!

I know, this post was supposed to be about the sweet treats that arrived last week.  But I have to say thank you first!  I’ll be talking about that box of sweets in tomorrow’s post, I promise!  Maybe I’ll have you over for tea and sweets!

Hugs, to you all!



  • Sandra

    Congratulations Anne!!!!I love all of your work and always look forward to new patterns etc. and I love to read your blog and see your beautiful studio.Mamy blessings Sandra

  • Linda

    Your designs bring smiles and cheer into our lives. (I am particularly thinking of the bunny driving the car…he’s my guy!). You have a wonderful playful imagination…don’t ever stop. Many kudos.

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