Pets,  Photography

Cat Photos

If you have a cat, chances are you have some great cat photos.  Cats are naturally curious, sleep most of the time, and are easy to photograph. 

Case in point…Mooch…

Mooch loves the backyard.  She goes out on a leash.   She thinks she’s a dog, so it’s very appropriate.

This picture was taken with my IPhone…

And this one?  I have no idea how I did this…double exposure?

And if you stop by Bunny Hill for a visit, chances are you’ll never see our twins…Topsy & Turvy

They are rescue cats and very, very shy.



And another rescue we named Lucky, appropriate name…

He came to us during a storm;  wet and obviously starving…

If you’re a cat lover like me, be sure and check out The Pioneer Woman’s cat photo contest!  You’ll love it! 

And remember, as much as we might hate the time change today…smile!


Happy Sunday everyone!


  • Beth

    Love your kitty pictures. We have three sharing their lives with us. They never cease to fill us with wonder at the silly things they do and laughter at their antics. All beautiful and stately and all from the Humane Society. Thank you for sharing your kitties and for taking such good care of them. I would have a housefull if I could :)

  • Anna

    lucky I am allergic to cats or I would be one of those weird cat ladies. Check out my website for Enzo’s trip to the hotel…he is a 5 star dog!

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