
A Messy Business

This neat little stack of fabric…

Has become this…

My studio is a disaster.  There are fabric scraps all over, pieces on the floor, freezer paper rolls, pins and markers everywhere.  Believe it or not this is what I call designing.  It’s a state of controlled chaos.  I do it all at once; picking fabric, drawing the designs, writing the pattern, prepping the appliqué, choosing embellishments, and on and on.  Really, sometimes I think I’m nuts.

The good news is this…

By the time this little mess gets into your hands it will look a whole lot better and I’ll have a clean studio.

Today I’m going to watch Julia and Julia on DVD and work my way through this quilt.  Block by block, piece by piece.  I’m 2/3rds done!

Have a great Sunday everyone.  Don’t tell me the ending of the movie, but have you seen it and did you like it?




  • Renita

    I really loved this movie-Julia was so believable and it inspired me to go look at her cook book again and try something new! It is one I would watch over and over again. Hope you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to see what you are creating and I enjoyed seeing your mess. This is the way I do it too-all at once! Right now I am starting to work on Pat Sloan’s Paris challenge. Thought it might be fun…maybe you should do something like this at some point..your fabric choices would inspire many of us to make beautiful things! Take care and happy monday, Renita

  • Karen Shackleford

    It’s the best movie I’ve seen in decades! By the end of the movie, it’s hard to separate Meryl from the real Julia! Enjoy!

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