
A Messy Business

This neat little stack of fabric…

Has become this…

My studio is a disaster.  There are fabric scraps all over, pieces on the floor, freezer paper rolls, pins and markers everywhere.  Believe it or not this is what I call designing.  It’s a state of controlled chaos.  I do it all at once; picking fabric, drawing the designs, writing the pattern, prepping the appliqué, choosing embellishments, and on and on.  Really, sometimes I think I’m nuts.

The good news is this…

By the time this little mess gets into your hands it will look a whole lot better and I’ll have a clean studio.

Today I’m going to watch Julia and Julia on DVD and work my way through this quilt.  Block by block, piece by piece.  I’m 2/3rds done!

Have a great Sunday everyone.  Don’t tell me the ending of the movie, but have you seen it and did you like it?




  • Peg Gilham

    Julie and Julia was wonderful. I bought it and my daughters (grown) would not go to the movie with me so I watched it myself and then my 90 year old ex mother in law wanted to watch it with her girls from Florida. Loved it and laughed and laughed.
    Have you seen UP? It is wonderful. It is a must see!

  • Christie

    Oh Anne – I hope you loved the movie – what a marvelous love story! Haven’t we all, at one time, dreamed of living in Paris with the man of our dreams? Those two were so in love! And big props to Julie for pursuing her dream!

  • Wendy Ouellette

    Lovely mess! Loved the movie! I now own it. When you design a pattern do you think of the way it will be quilted in the end. I am finishing a stitchery bed sized quilt. Only now am I thinking of how to have it quilted and I have not got a clue! Any suggestions?

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