
A Messy Business

This neat little stack of fabric…

Has become this…

My studio is a disaster.  There are fabric scraps all over, pieces on the floor, freezer paper rolls, pins and markers everywhere.  Believe it or not this is what I call designing.  It’s a state of controlled chaos.  I do it all at once; picking fabric, drawing the designs, writing the pattern, prepping the appliqué, choosing embellishments, and on and on.  Really, sometimes I think I’m nuts.

The good news is this…

By the time this little mess gets into your hands it will look a whole lot better and I’ll have a clean studio.

Today I’m going to watch Julia and Julia on DVD and work my way through this quilt.  Block by block, piece by piece.  I’m 2/3rds done!

Have a great Sunday everyone.  Don’t tell me the ending of the movie, but have you seen it and did you like it?




  • Margo

    I know you will enjoy the movie Anne, as we just watched Julie & Julia last night. It was such a fantastically motivating movie for anyone who has a passion for a particular hobby!

    Although my passion is NOT cooking, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie for its portrayal of the whirlwind of emotions that are tied to the passion(s) that we call our own.

    My passion is quilting/sewing, and I thrive on it so much that I usually need a daily “fix” no matter how small it is.

    I hope that you enjoy the movie as much as my girls and I did.

  • Kristy in Ohio

    The movie was great….and just like wanting to know how a movie ends…I am so curious what your “mess” will turn into. The colors are SCRUMPTIOUS. Kristy in Ohio

  • Sivje Parish

    Yes, I have seen Julie and Julia, and Yes, I loved it!
    And….your messy studio? It still looks lovely. My messy sewing area is NASTY BAD and there is no way I am showing pictures. I can’t wait to see what you are making!

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