
My Funny Valentine

My mommy made me dress up,
for Valentine’s day today. 
I really didn’t want to,
but she made me anyway.

My tutu’s tight, the bows bug me,
and who knows about my crown,
I feel like a dog gone wrong
I may never live this down.

If Valentine’s Day was for the dogs,
I’d always get a treat,
and I wouldn’t have to dress up
or try and look so sweet.

But then I heard about my friends,
so at least I’m not alone,
their mommies made them dress up too,
I can almost hear them groan. 

I don’t think I can stand here
much longer for today
so take a peek at Bella,
and maybe Gibby wants to play.

And then come back to visit,
or you’ll miss my treat today.
I put some things together,
for a special give away!

Just leave a comment and tell me,
that you think I’m really cute,
and maybe I will pick your name
on Wednesday for the loot!

And here’s the loot;  one of you will win a box of See’s Candy (assorted yummy chocolates) along with a bundle of Moda Bella fat quarters,  16 total!  

We’ll be back on Wednesday to announce a winner so you know what to do!   Have a doggone good day everyone!  Bella and Gibby are having a give away too! 


Anne  Chelsea


  • Karen Hurley

    What an adorable outfit you have! My Maggie Mae would be so lucky as to have such a cute outfit. Think I could make her a tutu like yours from a strip of jelly roll! Hope you do good this week on your diet! You are a gal after my own heart, trying to lose that weight is tough work!! Especially with all those good treats and Sees candy! What’s a girl to do??

  • Diana Clark

    I have to tell you I was taken back when I saw the Sees candy, I am from Cali although I have lived In Oklahoma most my life , my parent were from CA my Moms sister would mail her Sees and you would of thought she had gotten a box of diamonds and gold the way she would carry on about it for days, she always let me pick the first one ,anyway it made me smile and brought back a memory I havent thought about in a long time! I would be honored to be the winner! And Chelsea your a real cutie pie with all your Valentine Love hugs to you!

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