Family & Friends

Start of Something New

Post update:  Everyone is asking about Chelsea’s big weigh-in.  She gained 2 ounces, hubby got the lecture, and Chelsea was all happy because she got attention from everyone at the vet.  She was supposed to have lost 4 ounces.  I would have settled for her staying the same!  I’m taking her Valentine dog treats back to the store.

Ok, now onto the post…

I love this part of designing;  fresh fabrics on the work table and the start of some new!  I’ve sketched out my new quilt on graph paper, the drawings are in the works, and now I get to play…

…play with this wonderful fabric from Moda!  “Fresh Cottons” & “Martinique”,  the combination is intriguing!  I love these two fabric lines and how they work together.   Now comes the hard part of choosing the fabrics to use.  (These fabrics aren’t in the stores yet, so you’ll have to wait a bit.)

Everything comes off the design table so I’m working on a white background.   I eliminate the fabrics that don’t work with my design, and I’m left with a box full of possibilities.  I pull fabric after fabric for just the right applique combination.  I love these fabrics together, don’t you?

You’ll be seeing them soon in a new pattern!  I make such mess when I’m working and fabric ends up everywhere.  But at the end of each day the fabrics are folded, put back the box and I start fresh the next day.  This is so much fun!

Before I get back to work, a round of  applause for Barb and Mary over at Me and My Sister Designs!  It’s finally happened!  They have a blog!

See? Even they can’t believe it!  You can find it here at Me and My Sister Designs  Be sure to leave a comment and scroll down and read the pants and bathroom post.  Too funny!  Stop by often and let them know you did!

Back soon,




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