
The Weigh-In

The weigh-in is tomorrow.  No, not for me, for her…

Chelsea has a weigh-in at the vet tomorrow, and we start preparing for it a week in advance. It’s kind of like Weight Watchers. You know the weigh-in is coming,  so you cut back for a few days.  I hope the bow doesn’t add ounces to the scale.  She’s wearing it, because who can resist a plump Chihuahua in a bow?  Helps hide the rolls around the collar. 

I can tell she hasn’t lost any weight. She feels heavy when I pick her up, and well, she looks heavy too.  I’m going to make my husband take her for the weigh-in.  He’ll get in trouble and he’ll turn around and blame me.  It’s worth it not to have to go. 

And then today, in the mail came the solution to Chelsea’s problem. I just couldn’t believe it when I opened the “In The Company of Dogs” catalog!  Apparently I’m not alone with this problem.  Just look at this!

Hummm…maybe a doggie gym is in order.  Will someone local please open one so I can drop her off for an hour every day?  Can’t you picture it?  Little rooms, each with a treadmill, workout equipment, bowls of water and a TV playing Lassie?  I’d even pay a membership fee.




  • Sue

    I hate weigh ins whether its for me or my dog, Toby. Toby has been gaining steadily in spite of all the walks we take-poor guy. However, it doesn’t help when all the other dog owners and walkers give him doggie treats. And, he is not one to say no! Sigh. I do keep cutting back on his food but those rolls just won’t go away. He DID lose a pound though recently. Hoping he keeps losing as I hate the lectures from the vet.

    Chelsea is so cute. Hope the bow helps when she goes to the vet.

  • annie

    SEW talented and SOOOO funny… are just the best. I had my morning giggle with my coffee cup in hand. Dangerously close to spilling when I was laughing so hard.
    Good luck Chelsea, and just so she feels some empathy, I DO feel your pain!!!

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