
The Weigh-In

The weigh-in is tomorrow.  No, not for me, for her…

Chelsea has a weigh-in at the vet tomorrow, and we start preparing for it a week in advance. It’s kind of like Weight Watchers. You know the weigh-in is coming,  so you cut back for a few days.  I hope the bow doesn’t add ounces to the scale.  She’s wearing it, because who can resist a plump Chihuahua in a bow?  Helps hide the rolls around the collar. 

I can tell she hasn’t lost any weight. She feels heavy when I pick her up, and well, she looks heavy too.  I’m going to make my husband take her for the weigh-in.  He’ll get in trouble and he’ll turn around and blame me.  It’s worth it not to have to go. 

And then today, in the mail came the solution to Chelsea’s problem. I just couldn’t believe it when I opened the “In The Company of Dogs” catalog!  Apparently I’m not alone with this problem.  Just look at this!

Hummm…maybe a doggie gym is in order.  Will someone local please open one so I can drop her off for an hour every day?  Can’t you picture it?  Little rooms, each with a treadmill, workout equipment, bowls of water and a TV playing Lassie?  I’d even pay a membership fee.




  • joan

    We aquired a retired show dog-a Shar Pei. Her name was Dawn, but we called her Delta Burke–kind of the beauty queen who let her self go. I was told she had to lose weight and we tried putting her on a diet, but she used to trick the other dog into going to the door like someone was coming, and then she’d eat that food too. Anyways, took her to the vet to get weighed and it seemed she did, until the vet and I noticed she keep one foot on the floor (only 3 on the scale).

    ps–I always get caught when I try it at the Dr’s too!!!

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