Pets,  Photography

Why I Love My Cat

It’s early in the morning: the sun hasn’t come up, just a desk light on next to my computer.  The studio is quiet. I’m checking emails and catching up on things left undone from the night before. I suddenly realize my sweet cat, with the awful name (Mooch) has come to keep me company. 

She’s been there for awhile, before I really become aware of her.  She’s made her bed on a notepad and pen next to my computer.   

I grab my camera, sitting there on my desk, and I capture the moment without waking her!  She opens one eye and then closes it right away as if to say, “Oh, you’re still here? Good, I’m going back to sleep”. 

She’s the best of company in the early morning hours and one I sometimes take for granted. It’s amazing to me how animals become a part of us. Who else would stay by me while I work away, content just to be there?

She was desperate when we found her.  She’d lived over a year in my son’s neighborhood, sneaking into garbage cans, through dog doors, always trying to find food. She could be seen on a fence occasionally, or in a tree, but she kept her distance.

Sometimes when my daughter-in-law came downstairs in the morning, there would be the cat on the kitchen counter.  Both would be startled to see each other and the cat would run out through the dog door.  They have three large dogs, so the cat was very brave to enter!

The neighbors were complaining, she was knocking over garbage cans and there was talk among the other neighbors of “doing” something to get rid of her.

And then one quiet afternoon it happened.  She walked right up to my daughter-in-law who was sitting outside, as if to say, “I really need help”.  A gentle hand, a desperate cat, and a little kindness worked a miracle.

I think it was meant to be.  She became my cat.  Here she sits, quietly content, the best of company!  She’s friends with Chelsea and Bistsy, always by their side too.

The sun is coming up, and she’s waking up too. “It’s time to start the day” she says.  To think I’m the lucky owner of such a wonderful cat.

Mooch.  What an awful name.  What a wonderful cat!  I call her Mucho Dinero, or Muchas Gracias for short. More fitting don’t you think? 

Have a great weekend everyone!  Hug your cat if you have one!




  • Mickie

    I think that animals who have been rescued have a special appreciation for us and often a special gift to share. Your story touches me so much. Our youngest animal is a rescue dog; he was close to death with pneumonia when we got him. Our vet still can’t believe he made it! Now he is a therapy dog and brings gentle love to many the elderly and the sick. Hugs to you and Mucho Amore :)

  • Kim Schaefer

    Your story has done my heart a world of good, Anne. I’m the “cat lady” who took the Yoyo-ville class in December. I’m compulsively making yoyo-s between planning our Febraury Tri-Valley Fix our Ferals clinic where we hope to spay another 80 or so cats. It is stories like yours a Mooch’s and pictures of such a wonderful cat who knows what it is like to go from struggling to survive to what life is now, that keep me going. Thank you for your story and making such a warm and wonderful life for Mooch!!

  • Jan

    What a great story! And what a resourceful cat, when she was ‘on her own!’ Sometimes I look at my kitties and marvel at how I love having them with me, but how I would have quite a different reaction if other animals (a squirrel or possum,say) decided to come inside!

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