
Burrr, Is it cold where you live?

It’s February 5th and I’m ready with block number two of  “Snowbound”.  We’re going skiing!  Might seem a little strange if you live in Australia, but here in the United States, many cities are covered in snow and freezing! Our little snowman doesn’t care about the cold.  Cold means snow, and snow means fun!

You’ll find the blocks in two places; on my web site and now on this blog! Just click on the “Free” tab at the top of my blog and you’ll see it. If my site is slow, please try again later. These little snowmen will be here all year.  You’ll have plenty of time to download the blocks, I promise!

If you haven’t printed the free “A Tisket, A Tasket” quilt pattern, make sure you do so now.  In a few weeks it will be removed from the free section of my web site, and you’ll be able to purchase the pattern in professional format.  You’ll get a close-up photo of each block, and the pattern will be sold as a set. So remember, FREE for another two weeks only.

Lots of new things going on at Bunny Hill in the next few months.  I can’t wait to share them all with you!  I’ve been re-arranging my blog, sort of cleaning house so to speak.  A few more things to be added, and we’re almost there.  I’m starting to feel at home and I can’t wait to get blogging a bit more.

And I found a new magazine that I just have to share with you.  It’s called Flea Market Style, and the premier addition will be on Newsstands later this month.  You can visit their web site now, and get a “feel” for what’s coming.  Flea Market style is just so exciting!  I can’t wait to subscribe!

Have a great day everyone!  Enjoy the new block and you can start sewing your quilt!




  • Sue

    Thank you for the lovely pattern. As usual, its wonderful. I admire you for all the organizing your doing. Just wish your energy was contagious. I need to get in the Spring cleaning model

  • Bari Jo Moore

    Ohhh… this is so much fun!!!! The 5th of every month has a surprise just like last year! Thank you! Adorable!!! We have been getting snow the past few days here, too! Love your new blog look and the block this month is so cute! (just like all the rest of them!) Thanks also for the irish chain block instructions! You think of everything! Can’t wait for the fabrics to come out this spring! Have a great day! :O) Bari

  • Bette

    Here in Florida it is “partly sunny” (preferred chamber of commerce term to “partly cloudy”, slight breeze, and a wonderful 73 degrees. Its why I love living here. The birds are going crazy outside. You can gloat when it is beastly hot here in August…….No snow men for me.

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