Christmas & Winter

Christmas Day

Christmas day brought turkey, stuffing and those oh so good mashed potatoes.   My son Doug and his fiancé Elke arrived from Germany on Christmas Eve.   Luggage was lost, but the Christmas spirit was not.  Lufthansa delivered the lost luggage to our house 6PM Christmas day!  They tried really hard to get it here, and we live a good hour 1/2 from the airport!

The Christmas table was set by Doug and Elke.  The tablecloth is a gift made by my friend Barbara, who blanket stitched trees, reindeer and Santa’s around the border!   And, next to the adult table, was a special table for our grandkids…

Kids Table

That’s sparkling cider (not champagne) served in those Target polka dot glasses!  And do you recognize that little Target tree?

And after dinner, we opened presents.  Elke tried on the robe we got her, and Chelsea tried on her new sweater.  Hmmm, wonder who likes their present the best?

Casual Christmas Chelsea's Sweater

Hope your Christmas was wonderful!  Now it’s time to get organized.  I’ll be back with some tips to help just in case you’re in the organizing mood too!




  • mimi'sdarlins

    Anne, thanks for sharing your beautiful family photos! Looks like your Christmas was wonderful, ours was too. Snow, snow everywhere (nearly 12" fell over two days!), but most managed to slowly make the in-town trips needed to spend Christmas together, some postponed til New Year's Day.
    Thanks also for a wonderful year of beautiful monthly patterns…Happy New Year!

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