Quilt Market

Yoko Saito Visits the Bunny Hill Booth!

So, I’m in the Bunny Hill Booth, and two lovely Japanese women walk in.  They start talking and smiling at each other about my Scottie dog quilt.  I leaned over to get them a pattern and when I came up I saw the name tag;  Yoko Saito.

First came a gasp, then tears, and then the bowing started.  Back and forth we went, bowing over and over.  I wasn’t sure when it was polite to stop, so I just kept going and so did she!  I felt so graced just to have her visit my booth!  She is, in my humble opinion, the best appliqué designer ever.

There she was, this fashionable lady, dressed so nicely in a beautiful scarf around her neck (note to self; get a scarf for market and try to remember to wear it.)

Anne and Yoko


A picture was called for, in front of the Scottie dog quilt of course! Note to self; think about red glasses too.

For those of you who are not familiar with her work, I’ll share some close-ups with you.  Think itty, bitty tiny pieces of fabric, appliquéd, and then hand quilted with rows of quilting 1/8” to 1/4” wide.  It is amazing to look at her work!

Basket Detail

Not only is she known for intricate work, she is also known for her light-hearted whimsical style!  Just look at her little appliqué tote that was on display at market!

Yoko's applique purse

I am fortunate enough to have almost all of her books in my personal collection.  A very special friend has given me one of her books for almost every birthday.  To have met Yoko, and own her books, is a dream come true.

Applique close-up

Have a safe trip back to Japan Yoko.  I loved meeting you!

Next post I’ll wrap up my market pictures.

Have a great weekend everyone!




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