• Barb (a different Barb :-) )

    Since Chelsea & Milkshake have gone to so much trouble planning their trip to Market, I think we can all agree that they would be the ***Stars*** of the show! They will be great ambassadors for Bunny Hill Designs and your booth will be the best attended – definitely!

    They are so cute – and obviously great company on the plane, in your hotel room & at Market.

    Best wishes to all of you !

    p.s. – when do the grandchildren get here from Germany?

  • Susan

    I agree – Milkshake and Chelsea have worked hard to go. Besides, everyone will want to meet them! Have fun and looking forward to pictures soon!

  • Barb

    What a hoot! After all the effort Milkshake and Chelsea have gone to, to get taken to quilt market I think they deserve their own seats on the plane hehehehe maybe even a seat next to the pilot! Who could resist those cute, pleading puppy faces, not me that’s for sure so Mr.Dunn if you do read this letter please let them come to market :) Barb.

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