• Three Weeks

      I have just spent the most incredible three weeks with these two little girls! Both speak English and German (yes, even Maya who is only 2). We baked chocolate chip cookies, colored pictures, played Candy Land, went for walks, picked roses and played with every toy I have. So many memories were made and they will have to last for another year. …and every morning, wind, rain or shine, Maya walked Chelsea with Milkshake with me. I hated to say goodbye.   Seeing them is such pure joy and saying goodbye is so painful.   I feel like this every time they come here, or I go to visit and it takes me…

  • Life Is Adventure

    Dras eget elit convallis est condimentum congue non id sem. Proin metus dui, eleifend id mollis quis, pulvinar in metus. Nulla pharetra sapien ultricies dui blandit, eget condimentum tortor rhoncus. Donec gravida leo neque, ac consequat diam dignissim ut. In ligula felis, tempus vel est ut, pellentesque fermentum ligula. Proin at dui sagittis, rutrum velit in, fermentum nisl. Donec sagittis, risus vitae mollis pretium, tellus turpis feugiat mi, ac cursus nibh metus quis tortor. Integer ultricies ullamcorper nulla, nec consectetur mi hendrerit eget. Donec at elit vel ex pulvinar vestibulum. Cras tristique molestie leo malesuada sollicitudin. Nunc nec lorem id mi consequat rhoncus ac eget purus. Sed massa orci, volutpat…